Nach der Inktober 52 Challenge an der ich das ganze Jahr bislang teilgenommen habe, freue ich mich umso mehr auf den Zeichnen-Monat Oktober aka Inktober. Hierbei wird jeden Tag zu einem neuen Thema eine Zeichnung vervollständigt. Ich folge, wie auch schon letztes Jahr, der Original Themenliste von Inktober Initiator Jake Parker.
Hier seht ihr die Themenliste:
1. Fish; 2. Wisp; 3. Bulky; 4. Radio; 5. Blade; 6. Rodent; 7. Fancy; 8. Teeth;
9. Throw; 10. Hope; 11. Disgusting; 12. Slippery; 13. Dune; 14. Armor;
15. Outpost; 16. Rocket; 17. Storm; 18. Trap; 19. Dizzy; 20. Coral; 21. Sleep; 22. Chef; 23. Rip; 24. Dig; 25. Buddy; 26. Hide; 27. Music; 28. Float; 29. Shoes; 30. Ominous; 31. Crawl
Die Liste wurde zwei Wochen vor Zeichenstart veröffentlicht und ich habe mir vorab schon einige Gedanken dazu gemacht und mich entschlossen eine kleine Geschichte aka Graphic Novel zu zeichnen. Letztes Jahr konnte ich bei einigen Künstlern dies bereits sehen und ich glaube es ist leichter einem festen Handlungsstrang zu folgen statt sich durch die einzelnen Themen zu hangeln. Da Inktober auch ein kleines Zeichnen-Happening ist, habe ich mir extra ein quadratisches Skizzenbuch gekauft um meinen Arbeiten den nötigen Rahmen zu geben. Nun zum Character selbst: Ich selbst bin großer Wikinger Fan und habe mich entschlossen eine kleine Character Figur – nämlich Sigi die Wikinger Schildkröte in´s Leben zu rufen und ihn einige Abendteuer anhand der Themenliste erleben zu lassen.
Alle Arbeiten findet Ihr natürlich auch auf meinem Instagram Account (Link auf dem Button unten).
Aber starten wir doch einfach:
Hier seht ihr Sigi die Wikinger Schildkröte. Er wird in jeder Zeichnung eine große Rolle spielen.

Thema Nr. 1: Fish
Story: Sigi the turtle was always a big fan of the Viking Storys that Gunnar the catfish, who fought in many battles, told him. He loved the storys of those great warriors who died in the battle field and are now in Valhalla with Odin and his son Thor. He wanted to become a great warrior turtle too, that was his big dream.

Thema Nr. 2: Wisp
Story: After hearing the exciting storys from Gunnar, Sigi went to bed. In the middle of the night he woke up from a strange howling noise. He was scared to death as he saw the will-o-the-wisp flying above his bed. The wisp told him not to be frightened. He wanted to tell him that great adventures are lying in front of him and Odin is watching on him.

Thema Nr. 3: Bulky
Story: Sigi had a sleepless night. He thought about the words of the will-o-the-wisp and finally came to the result, he had to leave his comfort zone and travel the world. He climbed on top of a bulky rock and screamed a battle cry out loud in the woods. Even the sleeping mouse woke up from this scream. Sigi is determined he will rise and become a proper warrior.

Thema Nr. 4: Radio
Story: Sigi walked through the forest. He was getting deeper and deeper into it. And he was humming a song till he recognized he was humming a song which some elves are playing. It was like a radio song. He was a bit hypnotized of it but the elves were still playing it and they dragged him even deeper into the forest. Sigi wasn’t frightened, more curious what will happen next.

Thema Nr. 5: Blade
Story: Sigi followed the elves and saw a tree with a blade in it. This can’t be a coincidence! He ran to the tree and tried his very, very best to pull the blade out of it. He was leaning all his weight against the tree but it was stuck in it. He tried, and tried. But will he succeed? What do you think?

Thema Nr. 6: Rodent
Story: Finally! Sigi made it! He got the sword. But what’s that noise? Sigi turned around and saw a little angry looking mouse which was armed with a blade and an axe. What’s the matter with that little rodent? The mouse screamed towards Sigi in an very angry tone: „I’m Eddie, the guardian of the holy sword that you thief are trying to steal! Put it down immediately or something very bad will happen to you!“

Thema Nr. 7: Fancy
Story: While Sigi and Eddie getting into a serious fight a druid appeared. She was glittering, almost transparent and shining in a fancy way. The two stopped fighting immediately and looked at her. The druid said to them: „Fight not against each other! Fight Together and help each other. The sword brings great adventures with it and needs his guards sometimes.“ And then she disappeared like a gust of wind.

Thema Nr. 8: Teeth
Story: So Sigi and Eddie got along together. They promised to take care of each other and fight together in the name of the sword and Odin, of course! As they walked along the forest they came to a cave with some runes craved into some stones saying „Main Entrance“. Pretty weird they both thought. It seemed somebody was expecting them. But the cave entry looked pretty nasty with some bright shaped teeth in front of it. What is inside? What do you think? Something nasty or something good?

Thema Nr. 9: Throw
Story: Sigi and Eddie went into the cave and they got deeper and deeper into it. Both got pretty scary and jumpy and as they saw in the dark a skeleton moving, Sigi threw his spear towards it. Did he succeed? And as the got nearer they saw there was no need for throwing any weapons cause all was left here was already dead. They saw tonnes of bones lying on the floor. And they were Vikings. OMG! What happened here? Sigi was a bit angry at himself for throwing the spear to one of the warriors, one of his own men.

Thema Nr. 10: Hope
Story: So both walked through the graveyard of the fallen Viking warriors as they came to a cliff. They could climb that cliff down, but they still didn’t figured out what caused the death of those Vikings. But there was also some light above them. A little hole let the sunshine through. It gave them both hope to seen an end of that eerie tunnel. Sigi saw some step-a-like stones which they could climb up. Let’s see what’s above that cave.

Thema Nr. 11: Disgusting
Story: Sigi and Eddie climbed up were the light came from and tried to exit that cave. They were so happy. But then … „WHAAAAAAA …… This is soooo disgusting! I put my hand into some slime from a snail.“– Sigi screamed. That was so gross he almost vomited. You must know, he had a distaste for snailes and snakes and couldn’t stand their way of snailing and crawling around.

Thema Nr. 12: Slippery
Story: Sigi and Eddie climbed out of the cave and stood on top of a mountain. They first tried to walk to the valley but the stones were so slippery so they decided to slide. Sigi slid on his tortoiseshell and Eddie grabbed himself a huge leaf and off they went ….

Thema Nr. 13: Dune
Story: Sigi and Eddie made it down to the valley. Then they walked and walked for ages till they reached some dunes. What’s next? What should they do? Walking further or turn around and search for another way? But did they got a path to follow anyway?

Thema Nr. 14: Armor
Story: They walked through the desert till they found some armor lying in the dunes. They were plenty of those … What happened here? This was so spooky as the skeletons of the dead Vikings. Sigi and Eddie were a bit worried what they will discover next. What do you think?

Thema Nr. 15: Outpost
Story: After this weird dead knights in the desert they walked and walked till they saw an outpost on a cliff. They were running out of water as well so they hurried up to get to it. But the nearer they got the worst looked the outpost. Was it empty or was it haunted? It gave them the creeps, again. But nevertheless, they have to try to get some water. So hurry up Eddie!

Thema Nr. 16: Rocket
Story: Just before Sigi and Eddie reached the outpost castle something strange happened. It was a pretty loud noise and then they saw it. Some Viking rockets flew above them and hit the sky like some fireworks. OMG! What’s wrong here? It’s spooky and soooo strange. And it’s getting darker even more ….

Thema Nr. 17: Storm
Story: After the ghost rockets flew straight into the cloudy sky they heard a thunder rolling and lightning crawling through the sky. Thor was speaking to them, and he was upset! And a heavy storm got down on them.

Thema Nr. 18: Trap
Story: The storm passed by and Sigi and Eddie were talking about the ghosts and what might happend to them. What a mystery. They both had no explanation for it … And as they talked, they didn’t noticed that they were just about to run into a huge spider web, a trap. This web was so thin woven, you barely could see it. It was almost invincible and a huge spider was spitting a thin line at them … Could she catch them?

Thema Nr. 19: Dizzy
Story: Sigi got hit by the spider. He felt pretty dizzy and the webs knocked him completely out. But the spider was already on her way. She wants her prey.

Thema Nr. 20: Coral
Story: Sigi fell into a deep dream as he got hit by the spider. He dreamed that he was floating through the ocean although he wasn’t an ocean turtle. He saw a lot of different coral flowers and fish and he felt pretty happy.

Thema Nr. 21: Sleep
Story: The evil spider weaved Sigi completely in. He dreamed of swimming through the ocean and of jumping sheep. He was in a very, very deep sleep. Meanwhile something that Sigi obviously didn’t noticed: Eddie fought against the gigantic spider… Will he succeed and save his friend from dying?

Thema Nr. 22: Chef
Story: While Sigi was in a deep sleep in a cocoon made of spider webs. His friend Eddie fought a brave battle against the spider … He was so in rage he made a trap so that the spider crawled into a huge caudlron and he cooked it like a chef. That was pretty cruel but Eddie coudln’t resist. And he was howling very loud so that every enemy should be aware.

Thema Nr. 23: Rip
Story: Meanwhile Sigi woke up from his paralysis and ripped the spider web around his body apart away. He felt weak but strong enough to live. But where was Eddie and the spider?

Thema Nr. 24: Dig
Story: Eddie was so sad about the loss of his dear friend. He was digging a grave for him. But what’s that noise? OMG! Sigi was standing right in front of him. Eddie couldn’t believe his eyes and he was sooooo happy to see his friend alive!

Thema Nr. 25: Buddy
Story: Eddie was so happy that his buddy Sigi was alive. What a day! He really thought he was dead. So let’s celebrate and feast.

Thema Nr. 26: Hide
Story: Sigi and Eddie walked and walked, days over days, nights over nights till they entered a forest of birches. They felt terrified the moment they entered it. An aweful sound came from the woods. What was that? They hid immediately behind a fallen tree. A huge wolf was sneaking behind them. Was it Fenrir? One of the sons of Loki? OMG! Sigi and Eddie were so frightened they grabbed their swords and their axe to protect themselves. Is this the end now?

Thema Nr. 27: Music
Story: Sigi and Eddie were so frightened they waited till the morning rose. They both hoped Fenrir was gone and not lurking behind a tree waiting for them. But then they heard a sound, like some kind of music. Like a song. But they soon recognized the birds and owls were singing a song and they were fascinated by it. And Fenrir was almost forgotten.

Thema Nr. 28: Float
Story: After this weird experience with Fenrir and the singing birds in the forest of birches they entered a cemetery which came along their way. What Sigi and Eddie didn’t saw, while crossing it. There were floating ghosts behind their backs watching every step of them.

Thema Nr. 29: Shoes
Story: They passed the grave stones and entered a … well what was it exactly? A graveyard for shoes? They were a bit speachless but this couldn’t be something good. What will happen next?

Thema Nr. 30: Ominous
Story: And then the sky turned black and thunder was rolling and there was some serious lightning going on. Something ominous and evil was going to happen and Sigi and Eddie were prepared for it!

Thema Nr. 31: Crawl
Story Showdown: After those ominous signs the last few days Sigi and Eddie knew – Ragnarök the apocalypse is there and they have to fight. Zombies were rising from the graves and horrible looking corpses were haunting them. But they knew Odin and Thor were on their side and they gave them strength. „Valhalla we are here and we don’t fear the end!“

Herausgekommen ist dieses Inktober Skizzenbuch:

Ich hoffe Euch haben meine Zeichnungen gefallen. Leider muss ich auch gestehen: Es sind nicht alle so ausgefallen wie ich es gern gehabt hätte! Leider hab ich auch einige Hintergründe versemmelt, aber that´s part of the job und nur so lernt man. Nämlich nicht ewig an Hintergründen zu sitzen und lieber fokussiert und genauer and der Hauptgeschichte zu arbeiten. Im Schnitt habe ich mit Story-Entwicklung und Character-Vorbereitung immer 2-4 Stunden gezeichnet. Die Story habe ich mir alleine ausgedacht. Alles in allem war die Inktober Challenge wieder großartig und ich fand´s toll dran teilzunehmen. Man sieht so viele tolle Zeichnungen, soviel Kreativität und kommt mit vielen Künstlern in Kontakt. Nächstes Jahr werde ich auf jeden Fall wieder mitmachen, mal schauen ob ich bei der klassischen Version bleibe oder bei einer anderen Prompt-Liste mitmache.
*Unbezahlte Werbung, da Accountnennung, App-Nennung, Namensnennung, Markennennung.