Mitte September beginnt das Kribbeln in mir, nur noch ein Paar Tage bis Inktober beginnt. Und gefühlt 100 Fragen schwirren in meinem Kopf herum. Wann kommt die Prompt Liste heraus? Wie gehe ich vor? Wird es wieder eine zusammehängende Geschichte, oder doch unabhängige Zeichnungen? Soll ich einen alten Character wiederbeleben und auf die „Zeichen-Reise“ schicken, oder einen neuen entwickeln?
Falls Ihr Inktober nicht kennt, dies ist eine Zeichenchallenge die jedes Jahr 1000sende Zeichner all over the world beschäftigt. Sie findet jedes Jahr im Oktober statt – und die Original Themenliste stammt von Jade Parker. Mittlerweile gibte es zig andere Themenlisten bei denen man mitmachen kann. Ich bleibe dem Original treu.
Folgende Begriffe stehen dieses Jahr fest:
1. Dream; 2. Spieders; 3. Path; 4. Dodge; 5. Map; 6. Golden; 7. Drip; 8. Toad; 9. Bounce; 10. Fortune;
11. Wander; 12. Spicey; 13. Rise; 14. Castle; 15. Dagger; 16. Angel; 17. Demon; 18. Saddle; 19. Plump;
20. Frost; 21. Chains; 22. Scratchy; 23. Celestial; 24. Shallow; 25. Dangerours; 26. Remove; 27. Beast;
28. Sparkle; 29. Massive; 30. Rush; 31. Fire.
Nach langem Grübeln entschied ich mich einen neuen Character auf eine Inktober Reise zu schicken – den kleinen Bär Louise. Hier ist sein Steckbrief, damit ihr ihn besser kennenlernt:
Louise ist etwas gezeichnet durch´s Leben. Er hatte als Baby einen Unfall wo er beide Elternteile, sein Augenlicht sowie sein Beinchen verlor. Er hat ein großes Herz und auch einen großen Drang nach Abenteuern. Durch seine Behinderungen wird er in der Bären-Schule nciht immer gut behandelt. Die anderen Bärenkinder hänseln ihn mit dem Wort „Piraten-Bär“.
Nachdem er Anfangs nicht wusste was ein Pirat ist, fing er an alles zu durchzulesen was er über Piraten finden konnte. Dabei stieß er auf die Piraten Geschichten von Captain Hook, Blackbeard und Francis Drake. Deshalb möchte Louise, wie seine Vorbilder, auch Pirat werden. Er möchte gross und stark sein, damit keiner ihn mehr hänselt. Er möchte ein selbstbewusstes Auftreten haben, von allen respektiert werden und keine Angst vor waghalsigen Abenteuern haben. All dies wäre Louis größter Traum. Er würder gerne selbst auf die Reise zu gehen um ein echtes Abenteuer zu erleben. Wie seine Piraten Vorbilder es auch getan haben.

Nun lassen wir die Reise beginnen. Ich schreibe meine Bildunterschriften auf Instagram immer in der englischen Sprache um mehr Menschen zu erreichen. Deshalb werde ich die Geschichte ab jetzt (fast) 1:1 aus meinen Instagram Posts übernehmen.
Thema Nr. 1: Dream
Louis is a very happy little bear, but like every other bear, he also has bad days. Sometimes he wishes to be a normal bear, that he could run faster and see properly. The kids at the bear school call him a pirate because of his eye patch and his wooden leg. So the more they call him that, the more he gets into all the stories about them. He loves the adventures of all the famous pirates like Blackbeard, Captain Hook, and Francis Drake. He’s so into it that he dreams of conquering islands, going on treasure hunts, and sailing on a big ship with a loyal crew
Ich glaube man merkt meine Liebe zum Manga / Animeserie One Piece ein bisschen. Ich hab mich bei der Story von Louis etwas inspirieren lassen.

Thema Nr. 2: Spiders
Little Louis doesn’t have many bear friends, but he knows a lot of spiders. They are his friends. These little creatures know many stories about pirates, treasures, and the sea because they are small and agile animals, and they can sneak in everywhere.Louis loves the stories of Spider Emma the most. She’s a great storyteller, and she once sailed with Captain Hook, she told him.

Thema Nr. 3: Path
After Louis heard all the amazing stories from Spider Emma, he decided to follow his own path of becoming a pirate. And Emma bravely followed him.

Thema Nr. 4: Dodge
Louis walked with Emma along the path, and suddenly they heard a strange sound. What was that? Birds, angels, or a bee swarm? No, butterflies. Hundreds of butterflies! Louis had to dodge because there were too many, and they were fast as well. They flew over their heads, and they also heard little screams. What was going on there? Later, they found out that the butterflies were at war with the moths and were on a crusade against them. ‚Crazy world,‘ thought Louis.

Thema Nr. 5: Map
Little Louis was strolling along the path when he searched for his secret map. He found it in the attic years ago. „Where are the pirates? And where is the sea and the treasures?“ he wondered aloud. „Let’s go, little mouse,“ (it’s following him :)) „and Emma the spider.

Thema Nr. 6 & 7: Golden & Drip
Buzz, buzz, buzz, what’s that loud noise? Oh my, the golden bees are losing their honey. Their hive was dripping, and their precious golden honey was lying on the forest floor. And to make matters worse, a bear was coming towards it – and they thought Louis was the bear. The bees were so upset because it’s so obvious and every child knows – bears love honey. Louis couldn’t understand the drama, but the bees were super upset and angry.

Thema Nr. 8: Toad
Louis, what are you doing? That’s not a huge rock! It’s a fat toad you’re sitting on. Be careful!

Thema Nr. 9: Bounce
After Louis walked with his new friends for a while, they came across a lake. Louis skipped a stone. It bounced and bounced and bounced until it sank. Little Mouse and Emma the spider were quite impressed.

Thema Nr. 10: Fortune
And as they walked together further and further, they thought they had fallen asleep and dreamed that they found a sack of gold coins on the floor. What a fortune! But the bigger question is, is it real or just a dream?

Thema Nr. 11: Wander
Louis and his friends reached a spooky forest while wandering around. It was so scary, and they had the feeling that the trees had faces and would grab them with branches like hands. Sooooo spooky. But Emma the Spider got a glint in her eyes, so they wouldn’t get lost and could find the way out of this awful forest.

Thema Nr. 12: Spicey
Oh no, Louis the bear ate the forbidden fruit! – Chili. He thought he was dying because it was so spicy and hot.

Thema Nr. 13: Rise
They reached the ocean, but Louis was super disappointed. Where have all the pirates gone? There’s the ocean, but no ships at all! No pirates, not even seagulls! Louis was so disappointed, he couldn’t even get cheered up by the rising sun.

Thema Nr. 14: Castle
They walked and walked and saw a beautiful castle on their way. Who lives in such a place? A princess, an emperor, or is it uninhabited and haunted?

Thema Nr. 15: Dagger
Louis couldn’t believe his eyes. Little Mouse had two big daggers in her hands and she looked very angry. She said, ‚Get behind me! Evil is coming!‘ Emma and Louis were afraid and did as Little Mouse said.

Thema Nr. 16 & 17: Angel & Demon
„What’s going on?“ Louis heard a mean voice on his left shoulder and a lovely voice on the other side. Like a demon and an angel talking at the same time. He couldn’t understand anything; they were speaking in another language. Was that what Lil Mouse meant by ’something evil is coming‘?

Thema Nr. 18: Saddle
After having this strange vision, Louis was tired and ordered an Uber-Snail. Let’s go on a fun ride.

Thema Nr. 19: Plump
When the Uber-Snail dropped off Louis and his friends near a carrot field, he discovered in the midst of it a huge, chubby rabbit. And the carrots were by no means ordinary carrots; they were made of gold, and the rabbit was eating them. Nevertheless, Louis called out, ‚Hey rabbit!‘ ‚Do you know where all the pirates are? Do you know why they are gone?‘ The plump bunny replied, ‚I haven’t seen any pirates in years, my friend!‘ And once again, Louis was super disappointed. Where are all the pirates gone? He was beginning to doubt whether they were even real or just stories.

Thema Nr. 20: Frost
And they went on and on until it started to snow. First, a few snowflakes were falling, then heavy snowfall set in. ‚Where does this icy wind and this frosty weather come from? It was summer 2 minutes ago?‘ Luckily, Louis had packed his blanket, and Emma the Spider had her own umbrella with her. She is immune to frost – you must know! But nevertheless, not a single sign of a pirate.

Thema Nr. 21: Chains
The snow blizzard stopped, and they could continue walking. And like in Alice in Wonderland, the grass was getting bigger and bigger, and they had the impression they were shrinking. Then they heard an angry voice. As they walked towards it, they saw a ladybird in chains. Louis wanted to help and talked to the ladybird, but the bug didn’t hear him at all; it was fighting with all its passion against the chains. But why? Didn’t it want some help? So many riddles…

Thema Nr. 22: Scratchy
They left the ladybug in its misery. It refused to accept help. As they walked out of the magical field, everything returned to its normal size. Along the way, they passed trees with ominous scratches. Louis felt scared. Were there beasts hidden in this forest? He hoped not.

Thema Nr. 23: Celestial
But that never happened because everything turned bright and glorious, and some celestial creatures appeared, and the scary forest disappeared. They just kept looking and asked themselves, ‚Are those creatures angels?‘

Thema Nr. 24: Shallow
And as the bright light appeared and those heavenly creatures showed themselves, everything blurred, and the three friends found themselves standing in the forest again. They kept going; what else should they do? Still no pirates, not even a hint of where they could be. Louis thought he’s crossed the whole continent and not seen a single one. The forest turned into a swamp, and they walked in shallow water.

Thema Nr. 25: Dangerous
After leaving the swamps behind, they crossed fields that turned into a desert. Not even in the desert were there any pirates. But then Louis saw a rattlesnake with an eyepatch, and he asked it, ‚Are you a pirate?‘ The snake answered, ‚No, but if you don’t leave immediately, you’ll be in a very dangerous situation!

Thema Nr. 26: Remove
Louis got even more depressed about this senseless search. He even removed his eyepatch. Emma and Lil Mouse were concerned. ‚It’s not the end of the world if you don’t find any pirates, Louis! You’re still a pirate in your heart, and that’s what counts.‘ They kept telling him that.

Thema Nr. 27: Beast
After a little while, Louis managed to get up and start walking again; he knew he had good company. But suddenly, a huge black cloud appeared and turned into a beast of dust. The beast looked him directly in the eye. Can they escape?“

Thema Nr. 28: Sparkle
From a dangerous beast to glitter, sparkle, and golden dust. Louis thought maybe he was dead and had forgotten his own death. And now some angels appear. A creature ghost-like was talking to him, urging him to walk his path, and he’ll become a great adventurer.

Thema Nr. 29: Massive
„Hey, little Louis, can I tell you something?“ The creature asked Louis only seeing massive feet. Now he’s sure he’s dreaming.

Thema Nr. 30: Rush
He couldn’t remember what the creature with the massive feet was telling him. He was in a rush. He needed to run. But from what and why?

Thema Nr. 31: Fire
And he and his friends rushed into a pitch-black night. What’s going on now? From daylight to night in seconds. Louis was wandering alone in the dark and was super afraid. He felt eyes on him every step he took. His only glimpse was the fire on his matchstick – he was prepared for any adventure, you can tell.
And from one minute to another, he woke up. What???? Everything was just a dream? What a pity! And his friends? Emma and Lil Mouse weren’t real. That was the worst.
He was even more sad now. But on the other side, he was excited as well. That was the most awesome dream he ever had. And it gave him strength and confidence that he could go on any adventure on his own.
The End.

Das war´s – aber um ehrlich zu sein, das war nebst dem Spooktober der schlimmste Inktober seit langen.
Wenn ich ehrlich zu mir selbst bin dann hätte ich einen anderen Character wählen müssen, dieser hat wenig Raum und ich hab sein Potential nicht ausgeschöpft.
Zeichnerisch hatte ich relativ wenig Zeit, was man auch echt sieht. Ich denke das geht auf jeden Fall besser!
Aber ich hab´s durchezogen, das ist das einzige was zählt. Und auch eine negative Erfahrung bringt einen weiter, und man daraus lernen! Inktober 2024 wird dafür richtig geil! I´ll promise 🙂