It´s been a while das ich an einer Zeichenchallenge teilgenommen habe, deshalb freue ich mich umso mehr auf den diesjährigen Inktober. Ich folge, wie auch schon 2020, der Original Themenliste von Inktober Initiator Jake Parker.
Hier seht ihr die Themenliste:
1. Gargoyle; 2. Scurry; 3. Bat; 4. Scallop; 5. Flame; 6. Bouquet; 7. Trip; 8. Match;
9. Nest; 10. Crabby; 11. Eagle; 12. Forget; 13. Kind; 14. Empty;
15. Armadillo; 16. Fowl; 17. Salty; 18. Scrape; 19. Ponytail; 20. Bluff; 21. Bad Dog; 22. Heist; 23. Booger; 24. Fairy; 25. Tempting; 26. Ego; 27. Snack; 28. Camping; 29. UH-OH; 30. Gear; 31. Farm
Die Liste wurde einige Tage vor Start veröffentlicht und ich habe mir vorab schon einige Gedanken dazu gemacht und mich entschlossen wieder eine kleine Geschichte aka Graphic Novel zu zeichnen. Ich habe mir auch vorgenommen, weniger aufwendig den Character sowie die Hintergründe zu halten, da ich einfach nicht die Zeit dazu habe mehrere Stunden am Tag zu zeichnen.
Nun zum Character selbst: Dieses Jahr wird Charlie das nette Hip-Hop und Sneaker-Addictive Gespenst durch meinen Inktober spuken.
Die Geschichte habe ich mir selber ausgedacht und versucht so gut es geht einen Handlungsstrang entlang der Themenliste zu finden. Die Geschichte übernehme ich hier genauso wie auf meinem Instagram Account.
Aber starten wir doch einfach:
Hier seht Ihr Charlie mein kleines Inktober-Geistlein.

Thema Nr. 1: Gargoyle
Charlie lives in an old gothic church in England. He always wanted to see the world outside of it, he only heard rumours, had a few glimpses through the visitors of the church. But there´s a rumour among the creatures (that are living there) that you can´t leave the church … it haunts you. But Charlie made a decision (after 600 years). He wants to leave and explore the world. When he sneaks out all the gargoyles are „sleeping“. So that´s a good time to leave, Charlie decided and sneaked out.

Thema Nr. 2: Scurry
And so Charlie took his chance. He thought: I´ll escape. Now or never!
And so he scurried down the old staircase.
Hier seht Ihr auch ein Paar Work-In-Progress Arbeiten:

Thema Nr. 3: Bat
Charlie run and flew as fast as he could. But what´s that noise? Suddenly a bat appeared in front of him. It made weird noises and sounds and finally talked to him in a foreign bat-language that Charlie didn´t recognized and understood. What a pitty, maybe the bat wanted to tell a very interesting story.

Thema Nr. 4: Scallop
And so Charlie walked and flew and explored the world. Suddenly he landed at the beach. The sea was rushing and he almost steped on a scallop. „Hey!!“ said the scallop. „Don´t step on me! I´m tiny and our soooooo huge and big!“ So Charlie, cause he was a friendly and very polite ghost, apologized and the talked and became friends.

Thema Nr. 5: Flame
Charlie never saw a flame or fire, and never felt heat before. The church was always cold and so not cosy at all. So he was very surprised when he found this „magic stick“ and immediately it lit up. It made a bright flame.
„What´s that?“ said Charlie. The little scallop was as surprised as Charlie was and a little scared as well. The flame was very warm and it said to Charlie: „Please, be very careful and don´t bur you!“

Thema Nr. 6: Bouquet
And for the first time in his long life, Charlile saw and smelled flowers. He had a huge bouquet. He was soooo astonished by the brightness of the colours and the sweet smell.

Thema Nr. 7: Trip
Clumsy as Charlie is, he often stumbles and trips over all kind of stuff e.g. stones, crumbless etc 🙂

Thema Nr. 8: Match
The little nameless scallop wanted to show Charlie some sports as well. It explained to him: „Humans are very fond of this one called tennis.“ So Charlie grabbed a racket for the first time in his life and startd playing a tennis match – it´s quit fun, he thought.

Thema Nr. 9: Nest
Exciting days for Charlie and it´s friend the little scallop. So they found this empty nest in the forest on top of a tree. They fell asleep right away. It was warm, cosy and protected by the old owl which was sitting in the branch above them. Good night Charlie and little scallop.

Thema Nr. 10: Crabby
After they woke up, little scallop was very crabby. It shouted at Charlie that it was super hungry and it wanted some sweets for breakfast. A croissant or a cake or some sweets and Charlie didn´t know what to say. He hadn´t that feeling. His last supper was 800 years ago. He never get´s hungry any more… And so he listened to the shouting of his little friend.

Thema Nr. 11: Eagle
And so they strolled through the birch forest and suddenly an eagle was sitting on an old tree stump. „Where do you want to go?“ he asked. The eagly was dressed like an advocat, with a big top hat and a monocle on his beak. And Charlie was so impressed he couldn´t say anything at all.

Thema Nr. 12: Forget
„Where is my cap? I can´t find it … It must be here somewhere … Can you see it?“ Littel Charlie forgot his cap on a rock. Can he find it? What do you think?

Thema Nr. 13. Kind
Charlie is a good and kind ghost and helps wherever help is needed. And he flew over his little scallop friend and keeps him safe from the rain. The scallop was so happy that it didn´t get wet.

Thema Nr. 14. Empty
Adn the little scallop pulled on Charlies sheet and all of a sudden Charlie was gone and the sheet was empty. Little scallop was super afraid that he killed Charlie.

Thema Nr. 15: Armadillo
Charlie and his little friend found something very strange while strolling through the land. In front of a huge stone wall was a ballish thing lying around. But it was heavy and they couldn´t move it. They didn´t know if it´s organic or a stone. What they didn´t recognized were the eyes that were watching them. The ball wasn´t a ball at all. It was a huge golden armadillo lizar. But pssst, don´t tell this Charlie and little scallop.

Thema Nr. 16: Fowl
„What´s that?“ asked the little scallop. It never saw fowl before. He was bit impressed but the chicken bunch was also very astonished. „What´s that little guy? And why is a bed sheet flying throuhg our garden?“ they were asking.

Thema Nr. 17: Salty
„Wahhhhh, what is this?“ screamed Charlie and made a salty face. „I hope it´s not pooo! „

Thema Nr. 18: Scrape
Charlie always done some scrapes into a wall. But he didn´t know what to write, so he wrote or scraped the obvious – His name

Thema Nr. 19: Ponytail
And while there were strolling through some corn fields, Charlie saw a bright ponytail sailing through the wind. As he flew towards it, he saw the most beautiful scarecrow ever! If he had a heart underneath his sheet, it would bump tohis chest. Charlie fell in love!

Thema Nr. 20: Bluff
Charlie and his friends walked over the land but suddenly they saw a light coming and going. What was that? The little scallop went ahead „Stop“ it screamed. „There´s a bluff here! We have to walk around.“
And then they saw where the light was coming from. There was a huge lighthouse on top of a cliff.

Thema Nr. 21: Bad Dog
„Oh, don´t be a bad dog!“ said Charlie to the dog who grabbed his shoe. „Please can I have it back?“ And the doxie looked him deep in the eyes… And did nothing. How will it end? Will Charlie get his shoe back?

Thema Nr. 22: Heist
„Psst!“ said Charlie and hide behind some bushes. And then they saw some raccoons with some big bags sneeking through the woods. What´s in the bags? Are they stealing some stuff? They were to scared to ask and to scared to follow them.

Thema Nr. 23: Booger
Charlie and his little scallop were so terrified as a huge black thing appeared in front of them. What does it want? It got huge teeth they were so terrifying and scary. It doesn´t seems friendly this booger.

Thema Nr. 24: Fairy
And then the magic happens. A fairy appeared in front of the three. She held a stick in her hand and talked really slowly and very high pitched. „Don´t do it! Don´t get tempted!“ And then she dissapeared as fast as she appeared. Okay? What was that?
The three were astonished but this was quite a riddle for them. What´s going to happen next?

Thema Nr. 25: Tempting
„Stooooooooppppppppp!“ screamed Charlie. „That´s the fairy´s prophecy! Don´t eat that, little scallop!“ Did the scallop heard that? Did it ate from the fly agaric? Let´s see!

Thema Nr. 26: Ego
Charlie saved the little scallop from eating that poisenous mushroom. And so they walked through the woods and met Billy the rabbit. He almost started talking immediately and talked and talked and the tales he was telling were getting more bigger and brighter and more dangerous with each word. His ego is exploding and Charlie recognized he must felt very proud of himself. But he also thought that this little rabbit must be very lonely as well.

Thema Nr. 27: Snack
„Hey, there are some apples“! What a wonderful and delicious snack. Little scallop ate three of them and did almost burst!

Thema Nr. 28: Camping
After their feasting they walked through the woods. And a big thunder was rolling above their heads… „Omg, a storm is coming. We need shelter!“ Charlie screamed, and they rushed through the woods and found some huge leaves on the ground. Charlie had an idea: He build a tent with the leaves. It was like camping with the family and quite cosy as well.

Thema Nr. 29: Uh-Oh
Charlie was sitting next to a little lake when he recognised something behind him grabbing his bd sheet. „UH-OH! What creature are you?“

Thema Nr. 30: Gear
And a huge gear plopped out of nothing. This forest is bewitched they thought!

Thema Nr. 31: Farm
Charlie, the beautiful scarecrow and little scallop found a farm where some sheep lived. And the sheeps were so friendly they invited them to dinner. Charlie and little scallop told them their adventures and the sheep were so astonished the couldn´t believe it. After a few days, Charlie and his friends helped at the farm of course! The sheep asked them if they wanted to stay forever. And all three said yes, immediately! So all of them found new friends and a lovely home. And they lived happily ever after!

Wie jedes Jahr ist Inktober immer mega coool, aber auch brutal anstrengend.
Jedoch ich finde meine kleine Story um die jeweiligen Prompts sehr gut gelungen.
Klar kann man immer an der Ausarbeitung arbeiten, wenn man mehr Zeit hat 😛
Nächstes Jahr bin ich auch auf jeden Fall am start 🙂