Another year, another Inktober!
Und ja ich bin aufgeregt, wie immer. Dieses Jahr wurde die Liste schon früher auf Insta veröffentlicht (hier der Link zur Liste):

Die Prompts 2024:
1. Backpack, 2. Discover, 3. Boots, 4. Exotic, 5. Binoculares, 6. Trek, 7. Passport, 8. Hike, 9. Sun, 10. Nomadic, 11. Snacks, 12. Remote, 13. Horizon, 14. Roam, 15. Guidebook, 16. Grungy, 17. Journal, 18. Drive, 19. Ridge, 20. Uncharted, 21. Rhinoceros, 22. Camp, 23. Rust, 24. Expedition, 25. Scarecrow, 26. Camera, 27. Road, 28. Jumbo, 29. Navigator, 30. Violin, 31. Landmark.

Auch werde ich meinem Format treu bleiben. Ich werde analog Zeichnen und wieder mein quadartisches Skizzenbuch verwenden. Passt auch so besser in mein Skizzenbuch-Regal.

Ich kann mit jedem Prompt etwas anfangen und habe deshalb entschlossen einen realistischen Character zu erschaffen. Realistisch heisst für mich, in menschlicher Gestalt.

Darf ich vorstellen, das ist Aki ein Kind der Katze.

Hier ist Ihre Charakterbeschreibung:
Aki is a cat child, which is what all members of the Cat Tribe call themselves. She lives independently in the forest and is quite happy there. It’s the only place where she finds her inner peace and calm. Aki loves to explore and discover new things. She also enjoys talking to the animals of the forest. All cat children have this ability; it’s their superpower, „a gift from Mother Nature,“ as they call it. Despite her small and childlike appearance, Aki possesses unexpected strength. She’s also older than she seems, just like a cat.

Now, let’s follow Aki on her adventures!

© Sonja Escher

Nun lassen wir die Reise beginnen. Ich schreibe meine Bildunterschriften auf Instagram immer in der englischen Sprache um mehr Menschen zu erreichen. Deshalb werde ich die Geschichte ab jetzt (fast) 1:1 aus meinen Instagram Posts übernehmen.

© Sonja Escher

Aki opens carefully the backpack and discovers a journal and some pens. The name „Micha“ is written on the cover of the journal. Does the backpack and the book belong to him? The inside cover also shows an address, but Aki has never heard of this street or the country before. Nevertheless, she quickly decides to return the journal to Micha! After all, it holds his secrets and thoughts.

© Sonja Escher

She puts on her heavy boots and decides to set off on the search for Micha. To return his journal to him.

© Sonja Escher

Aki imagines that Micha lives in a distant, unknown wild land, filled with palm trees, exotic fruits, and wild animals.

© Sonja Escher

Aki needs to get her bearings first, so she scans the entire area with a pair of binoculars. Where should she start looking for Micha? Where could he be living? Which direction should she head in to begin her search?

© Sonja Escher

And so, Aki sets off, with her heavy boots and her pouch. First, she has to make her way through her beloved forest before venturing into unknown terrain.

© Sonja Escher

As she reaches the edge of the forest, she is stopped by the Guardian Trees and asked for her exit pass. Aki, of course, always carries it with her. She shows it to them, and they allow her to continue on her search for Micha.

© Sonja Escher

From this point on, Aki is traveling through unfamiliar terrain, with the vast, unknown valley stretching out before her. How exciting is this? She can hardly wait to discover all the new things that lie ahead!

© Sonja Escher

In the morning, when Aki wakes up, the sun is already shining. Aki is good friends with the sun. It provides warmth and accompanies her wherever she goes.

© Sonja Escher

The further Aki wandered into the land, the more strange and unfamiliar peoples she encountered. For example, the nomadic desert gerbils with their worm-camel taxis.
(hier hab ich glaub zuviel Dune geschaut 🙂 )

© Sonja Escher

If you hike a lot, you must also eat a lot. Aki grabs all the fruits she can find and eats them all at once. Her mouth becomes sweet and sticky, but she likes that. These sugary snacks give her energy, and she needs it for her search for Micha.

© Sonja Escher

During her journey through the unfamiliar land, she spots a castle in the distance, far, far away. Could Micha be living there, perhaps? But that´s super remote …

© Sonja Escher

As she wanders around, Aki suddenly looks to the horizon and sees the sun and moon meeting, greeting each other and saying farewell at the same time. Night is falling, and Aki starts searching for a place to sleep. It’s already getting cooler.

© Sonja Escher

Aki wanders through vast mushroom fields, something she has never seen before. She is delighted because the mushrooms are so large and provide plenty of shade.

© Sonja Escher

To keep her skills sharp, Aki likes to read her guidebook in the evenings. The mushrooms and forest spirits listen as well.

© Sonja Escher

“Ugh, what have I stepped into?” Aki thinks, feeling her entire boot stick to the ground. “What is this stuff?” She’s visibly annoyed by her misstep.

© Sonja Escher

After freeing herself from the sticky mess, Aki discovers a magazine in the bushes. She eagerly flips through it and sees things she has never seen before. What are cars? What are engines?

© Sonja Escher

Inspired by the car magazine, Aki starts to act it out. She imagines herself driving one of these vehicles to Micha, returning his journal to him.

© Sonja Escher

But enough dreaming and playing. Aki has to keep moving. She hikes over mountain ridges and chains, across valleys and rivers, still searching for Micha.

© Sonja Escher

But enough dreaming and playing. Aki has to keep moving. She hikes over mountain ridges and chains, across valleys and rivers, venturing deeper into uncharted territory, through dark, unexplored caves and shadowy forests, still searching for Micha.

© Sonja Escher

Aki is having so much fun on her quest. She crosses valleys and climbs over mountains—even some that look like rhinoceroses.

© Sonja Escher

Und leider, leider kam das eine zum anderen beruflich und privat, und ich fand keine Zeit mehr weiterzumachen. Obwohls mir unendlich viel Freude bereitet hat Aki zu begleiten.
Eventuell zeichne ich noch ein bis zwei Prompts nach, z.B. Scarecrow oder Camp. Diese beiden sind mega zum Umsetzen.
Auch wollte ich noch einige dieser Prompts digital umsetzen, ich bin selbst sehr gespannt.

Aber ich denke mit Aki habe ich einen sehr flexiblen Character geschaffen, der noch einige Abendteuer erleben darf. Die Geschichten sind schon in meinem Kopf 🙂

To be continued …